Job Created: 11/20/24 |
Job Number: CP2447- |
Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118 |
Job Notes: Saw cut hard surface in the road on S. Orange St. to make tie-in hole larger. Dug up existing 4” mp steel main for tie-in point. Installed 4” pipe and wire. Helped welder with 4” Williamson tee and 2” short stop verification tee. Fused 4” pipe to the 4” steel to plastic transition. Installed wires for test station on the 4” steel main and installed two 17# anodes. Plated bell hole. Setup traffic control on W. Second St. and dug up 4” bore loops and fused together. Backfilled bell holes. Tore down traffic control. |
SAP Workorder Number: 103771118 / V-X-6017 |
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder |
Work Dates: 11/19/24 - 11/19/24 |