Paysheet #8449

Job Created: 11/21/24
Job Number: CP2447- Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118
Job Notes: Setup traffic control on S. Orange St. Removed steel plates from road crossing and cold patch over cdf. Tore down traffic control. Setup traffic control on W. 2nd St at June Dr. Saw cut across W. 2nd St. for open cut. Hammered out 12” thick asphalt and open cut across W. 2nd St. and dug up existing 4” steel main for tie in. Did not install any pipe due to obstacles in the ditch. Will have to fuse up pipe with elbows and fuse to welders pipe and fittings above ground and install as one piece. Plated off the street cut. Pinned and cold patched the steel plates.
SAP Workorder Number: 103771118 / V-X-6017
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder
Work Dates: 11/20/24 - 11/20/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013603 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Saw Cut Hard Surface Prior to Removal less than or equal to 6" 64 FT
3013412 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove roadway (parking lot, street, driveway) (including disposal) 138 SF
3013605 - Combo: Flagman 16 HR
3013582 - T & M: Pick-up truck 8 HR
Extra Service Items: