Paysheet #8456

Job Created: 11/22/24
Job Number: CP2447- Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118
Job Notes: Setup traffic control at W. 2nd St. & Scott St. saw cut and removed concrete driveway and curb. Dug up 4” bore loops and fused in 4” elbow connecting pipes. Backfilled bell hole. Moved down the road and setup traffic control on W. 2nd St. at June Dr. Removed steel plates. Saw cut and removed asphalt at tie in hole for tail ditch . Helped welder with 4” steel tee and steel elbows. Fused steel to 4” hdpe pipe and installed in ditch under sewer main. Dropped steel tee into place and welded to existing 4” steel main. Plated, pinned and cold patched steel plates. Tore down traffic control.
SAP Workorder Number: 103771118 / V-X-6017
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder
Work Dates: 11/21/24 - 11/21/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013907 - Install 3" & 4" - >2000' by trench 30 FT
3013603 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Saw Cut Hard Surface Prior to Removal less than or equal to 6" 23 FT
3013413 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove curb (including disposal) 15 FT
3013412 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove roadway (parking lot, street, driveway) (including disposal) 12 SF
3013605 - Combo: Flagman 20 HR
3013582 - T & M: Pick-up truck 8 HR
Extra Service Items: