Job Created: 11/27/24 |
Job Number: CP2447- |
Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118 |
Job Notes: Setup traffic control on W. 2nd St. and June Dr. Setup tapping equipment and tapped 4” steel tee. Gassed up new 4” hdpe main and purged out all air. Installed completion plug and removed tapping equipment. Plated hole and tore down traffic control back. Setup traffic control at W. 2nd St and S. Orange St. removed steel plate and setup tapping equipment. Tapped 4” steel main. Installed completion plug and removed tapping equipment. Greased and wrapped all bare steel and tees. Sand padded bell hole and backfilled with cdf flow fill. Installed steel plate and tore down traffic control back. Setup traffic control at 491 W. 2nd St. and backfilled end of main bell hole. Tore down traffic control. |
SAP Workorder Number: 103771118 / V-X-6017 |
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder |
Work Dates: 11/26/24 - 11/26/24 |