Job Created: 12/02/24 |
Job Number: CP24509 |
Job Name: BLANKET - 112380571 |
Job Notes: 1 Hr T&E 3-Man and Laborer for each SVC Abandonments found to be Active. 1773 Gondert Ave. CP24497 #112380005--1775 Gondert Ave CP24496 #112380006--4306 Blue Rock Rd. CP24494 #112380336--1835 Tuttle Ave. CP24495 #112380050--1928 Ward Hill Ave. CP24493 #112380337--5774 Barrett Dr. CP24498 #112379493 |
SAP Workorder Number: 112380571 |
Foreman Name:Jason Peters |
Work Dates: 11/27/24 - 11/27/24 |