Paysheet #8542

Job Created: 12/04/24
Job Number: CP2447- Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118
Job Notes: Setup traffic control in the intersection of S. Allison Ave and W. 2nd St both days. Saw cut the road and hammered out asphalt and concrete. Dug up new 4”MPPL main and existing 2” MPPL main. Fused on verification tees, monitor tees, and high volume tees. Connected 4” main to 2” main with 2” elbow and 2” pipe. Tested and tapped verification tees and monitoring tees. Put main on overnight test. Blew down test and tapped hv tees and purged air. Squeezed off existing 2” main twice and removed section of pipe killing feed from 2” main. Fused on 2” dead end caps. Removed all squeeze offs and monitoring gauges. Backfilled bell hole. Tore down traffic control.
SAP Workorder Number: 103771118 / V-X-6017
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder
Work Dates: 12/02/24 - 12/03/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013603 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Saw Cut Hard Surface Prior to Removal less than or equal to 6" 20 FT
3013412 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove roadway (parking lot, street, driveway) (including disposal) 21 SF
3013673 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove sidewalk (including disposal) 21 SF
3013283 - Main: 2" plastic to plastic tie-in, with tap 1 EA
3013284 - Main: 3" & 4" plastic to plastic tie-in, with tap 1 EA
3013903 - Install 2" - >2000' by trench 4 FT
3013288 - Main Ret: Plastic main retirement same hole 1 EA
3013408 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Provide & place gravel fill 53.98 TON
3013605 - Combo: Flagman 28 HR
3013582 - T & M: Pick-up truck 8 HR
Extra Service Items: