Paysheet #8588

Job Created: 12/11/24
Job Number: CP24519 Job Name: BLANKET - 114531626
Job Notes: 12-10-24, 683 Catalpa Dr. , Wilmington - Mobilized, dug up main, started opening trench when builder and sewer installer stopped us saying they haven’t ran the sewer and water yet and we need to wait, we backfilled and moved to next job.
SAP Workorder Number: 114531626
Foreman Name:Jason peters
Work Dates: 12/10/24 - 12/10/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013525 - T & M: Three-Person Construction Crew, Straight Time 2 HR
3013546 - T & M: Laborer - straight time 2 HR
Extra Service Items: