Paysheet #8629

Job Created: 12/16/24
Job Number: CP2444- Job Name: V-2405 - PKG 83 - 102066176
Job Notes: Excavating main retirements on Fayette St. , cold patch for hard surface excavations. Spothole utilities for service work.
SAP Workorder Number: 102066176 / V-2405
Foreman Name:Mark dyson
Work Dates: 12/13/24 - 12/13/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013409 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Provide & place asphalt cold patch 10 TON
3013412 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove roadway (parking lot, street, driveway) (including disposal) 47 SF
3013416 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Spot Holes - soft surface (to ensure separation of facilities during boring activities) 6 EA
3013603 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Saw Cut Hard Surface Prior to Removal less than or equal to 6" 38 FT
Extra Service Items: