Paysheet #8695

Job Created: 01/07/25
Job Number: CP2447- Job Name: V-X-6017 - PKG 83 - 103771118
Job Notes: Setup traffic control with flaggers on W. 2nd St. Saw cut and open cut across W. 2nd st. Installed new 180’ Longside gas service at 60 S. Orange St. tore apart double 1000 meter setting and had the welder weld on reducing fittings on the 3” steel setting. Squeezed off and retired existing 3” plastic low pressure gas service. Tested and gassed up new service. Relit all customer appliances. Backfilled bell holes and Cdf flow filled ditch across w. 2nd st. Installed steel plates over cdf n the road.
SAP Workorder Number: 115282128 / V-X-6017
Foreman Name:Anthony Delawder
Work Dates: 12/30/24 - 12/30/24
Item - Description Item Qty Item UOM
3013603 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Saw Cut Hard Surface Prior to Removal less than or equal to 6" 92 FT
3013673 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove sidewalk (including disposal) 25 SF
3013412 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Remove roadway (parking lot, street, driveway) (including disposal) 178 SF
3013440 - Svc: Meter Set Replacement or Conversion 1 EA
3013289 - Main Ret: Plastic main retirement separate hole 1 EA
3013608 - Svc: Relight Customer Appliances 2 EA
3013410 - Combo Dig/Backfill: Provide & place flowable fill 7 CY
3013538 - T & M: Welder Helper - straight time 2 HR
3013529 - T & M: Welder With Welding Rig - straight time 2 HR
3013605 - Combo: Flagman 16 HR
3013582 - T & M: Pick-up truck 8 HR
3013258 - Svc: 76-125' long side - with main 1 EA
Extra Service Items: